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清洗机 / 清洗机


特点:本设备在建筑业上受到广泛应用建筑材料的清洗,水泥预制件的铝模板残留水泥迹清除各种不同清理要求,配合不同水压对其表面进行清洗,及石材表面处理,提取石材颜色,破损率低。能够大大减少工人工作量,速度快、成本低,减少粉尘污染。 随着工业设备发展,现时大部份传统轻工业也大量使用高压水喷设备,对产品表面加工,对于高压水喷清洗能够避免使用化学物质污染生产设备和模具表面的损坏,其优点在于绿色环保,便捷高效。 Features:This equipment is widely used in the construction industry. The cleaning of building materials, the removal of residual cement traces from aluminum formwork of cement prefabricated parts, various cleaning requirements, the surface cleaning with different water pressure, and stone surface treatment can extract the color of stone, with low damage rate. Can greatly reduce the workload of workers, fast, low cost, reduce dust pollution. With the development of industrial equipment, most of the traditional light industries also use high-pressure water jet equipment to process the surface of products. For high-pressure water jet cleaning, it can avoid the use of chemical substances to pollute the surface of production equipment and mold. Its advantages lie in green environmental protection, convenience and high efficiency.

主要技术参数/Technical Data
主机尺寸machine size2100x1350x1800mm
工作台尺寸table size10000x2600x1500mm
加工宽度processing width300-2000mm
加工厚度peocessing thinkness10-200mm
工作压力working pressure400-1500kg
工作流量work flow30L/min
总功率total power80kw
总重量total weight1800kg
转数electric voltage1440stage
Remark:the. processing dimensions(length and width),overall dimension of equipment and motor power are subject to customers'demands